Envisioning “One Health” for the future: aligning human, animal and planetary health

Moritz Fegert
Moritz Fegert foraus


Covid-19 has highlighted more than ever the need for change in the way we manage the health of humans, animals and interact with our environment at large. “One health” is a much-needed paradigm shift exploring the interlinkages between human health, animal health, and the health of the ecosystems we inhabit. In this workshop we will explore the public health challenges, which "One Health" seeks to address.

How will our future look like if we maintain the status quo? Which scenarios are likely to happen if we do not adopt holistic policy approaches? 

We have the pleasure to discuss these questions with:

  • Cheryl Stroud (Executive Director, One Health Commission & Adjunct Prof. at North Carolina State College of Veterinary Medicine)
  • Prof. Vinh-Kim Nguyen (Co-Director of the Global Health Centre, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies)

The second part of the workshop will be dedicated to group work imagining dystopian scenarios in 2050, which a "One Health" approach aims at preventing, focusing on major public health challenges such as infectious diseases jumping from animals to humans, the resistance to antibiotics as well as food safety and security threats.

Join us for an insightful and important discussion to have in post-pandemic times! Register now by clicking on 'Enroll'.

Zoom link

About our project

This workshop is part of the “One Health” for the future project conducted by foraus. The project explores majors public health challenges which "One Health" aims at preventing and addressing. The results from this workshop will be used to develop recommendations for action together with practitioners and experts from the field at the Geneva Health Forum in May. The final results will be published in the form of a short policy brief to be shared at the Falling Walls Science Summit with key stakeholders in Berlin on 8 November 2022. Find more information here.

About foraus

foraus is an independent think tank, which supports decision-makers and the general public in opinion formation and decision-making with scientifically based, constructive recommendations for action.