making sure that the work produced is of an adequate quality
  • to create subcommittees in order to divide work
    • can collect general submissions and the assign specific topics to subcommittees who produce a written draft based on the general submissions which can then be refined
    • can be divided based on specialism/topic so that specialists can provide more detail/context and evidence
  • after report we need to develop a brief of information for the general public because we want to ensure that they understand the complexities of the topic
    • both ensures that participants has a minimum level of understanding but also is a benefit for the public participant as they get an expert briefing on a topic of interest to them
    • also has the possibility of serving as a 'product' in and of itself which can then be communicated alongside the final output
  • be transparent about the process, make it clear that this work has involving different audiences, not necessarily subject matter experts 
  • ensure that public engagement is appropriate, both for the topic and that it takes place at the correct moment
    • political context is important 
    • ensure that it is timed to coincide with the legislative cycle