The past week was the peak of activity of this challenge, with 7 workshops in 7 days across the planet: Bangalore, Berlin, Jaipur, Paris, São Paulo, Seoul and Vienna. Participants ranged from government officials, experts and industry leaders to students and representatives of civil society, united around the same question: How can we realize the goal of inclusion in the future trajectory of artificial intelligence?

In the process, more than 30 ideas were published on policy kitchen. We already see the emergence of some clusters, among others:

Check out the full list of ideas, and help improving them with your comments!

Here are a few impressions from the workshops:

Workshop at the Swiss Embassy in Vienna (with Ponto)


Workshop in Bangalore (with Swissnex India and Wadhwani AI)


Workshop in Berlin (with Polis180)


Sao Paulo
Workshop in São Paulo (with Swissnex Brazil)