Vision 2050: Global governance does not rely on inter-"national" diplomacy between states. It is based on democratic participation of everyone around the world.

Life in 2050 has markedly changed since 2020. Digital connectivity and cooperation have reached essentially everyone around the world. This universal digital access has markedly changed the perception of "community" for individuals and peoples - and lead to a new era of global governance. While in the late 2020's multilateralism of states based on inter-national treaties was still common, and criticized for lacking democratic legitimacy - being indirect and accessible only to the executive power, but neither the legislative power, nor the citizens. In 2050, a "global community" has evolved in which everyone still cherishes their places of origin and locations of living (countries, regions, cities, boroughs), but feels co-responsible for the evolution of earth and of global matters.

In practice, thanks to digital technologies, everyone can take part in the discussions on global matters, i.e. those that affect everyone irrespective of borders, in a global democratic system. From identifying problems and agenda setting via proposing solutions and discussing them, to voting on global policies, democratic participation is made possible by digital technologies.

In 2050, about a century after being drafted, the words "The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government" are accepted across all scales of human life and "the right to take part in the government [...], directly or through freely chosen representatives." includes the global scale for everyone.