Aviation technology will be carbon neutral by 2050 and reduced as transportation mean

It is 2050 and we achieved climate neutrality in Switzerland and the EU, write a short paragraph (in bullets) that explains measures to be taken, both by the EU and Switzerland in your focus area to address the issue you decided to work on. 

Answer the two questions below: 

  • What was the main bold vision related to your focus area followed by both Switzerland and the EU?
  • How did both the EU and Switzerland collaborate to make this a reality in your respective area? Which policy steps should be taken in the next 30 years to make this possible?


Our vision:

  • Aviation technology will be carbon neutral and emission-free by 2050
  • It will not have any negative environmental impact and it will not worsen quality of life of the population (e.g. through noise).
  • All sorts of power will be used if required (e.g. electricity for short travels, synthetic fuels for long travels), however eventually the most efficient fuel shall be used

Actions taken:

  1. Education
  • Societal discussion and education on the environmental impact of aviation and reasons for aviation emissions reduction took place
  • Make non-flying the norm (e.g. neuroscience research) -> education, sensitization measures. Positive reinforcement of green(er) choice, not linking "flying somewhere" with better social status
  • Promotion of staycation
  • Green boasting can be introduced (e.g. instagram badges, usage of social media to promote aviation alternatives)

2. Aviation alternatives usage

  • Generally in use until green aviation can be achieved
  • Incentivizing consumers to use aviation alternatives within Europe - carbon credit system (CCS)? 
  • In CCS, citizens are given carbon credit/allowance (e.g. per year). Only very limited amount of flights could be taken using the credit to limit amount of flights. Travelling by car shall also consume some credits. Travelling by train would be proportionally rewarded by credits. 
    • Quota per capita -> tradable (social justice element to it).  -> disadvantages.. social injustice, etc.
  • Large portion of the flight tickets should reflect the real CO2 costs
  • Intra-European flight boundaries (e.g. no flights below certain amount of km or hours)
  • Better train network - faster trains to cover longer distances faster (good example TGV e.g. Basel to Paris in 3h), reliable connections, modern trains with good on board services 
    • Good Wifi connection to allow people to work on train, working "bubbles" for calls while on board
    • Quiet areas to allow relaxation, reading, sleeping etc
    • Good catering availability including coverage for allergies
    • Improved on board services - fitness, massage, screens...
  • Flights forbidden which have train connections of less than (for example) 6 hours - time spent travelling to/from airport (often outside of a city compared to centrally-located train stations), waiting on the airport, flight itself should be close to what can be achieved by train - motivating people to take these trains by abovementioned services, competitive price, good coverage, amount of connections... car fuel prices will discourage people from travelling by car. 
  • Leverage on night trains - expand and improve the the night train network, make them safer (especially for women, minorities, socially vulnerable groups), increase capacity
  • Affordable European train ticket - remove the burden of various tickets in various countries

Side note: carbon credit system could be used also within the food sector where food prices are based on carbon load they create


3. Green aviation

Usage of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) (Power-to-X system, synthetic fuels), factories of SAF close to the major airports to limit their transport