Equal treatments for migrants/refugees - (no double-standards)

(issue-cluster/policy challenge + vision -> can be simply a repetition of the title at the beginning)



  • It is 2050 and we were able to turn migration into a phenomenon largely seen and lived as an opportunity in Europe, with no more ad hoc crisis situations linked to migration flows in Switzerland and the EU.

Answer the two questions below: 

  • What was the main bold vision related to your focus area followed by both Switzerland and the EU?
  • How did both the EU and Switzerland collaborate to make this a reality in your respective area? Which policy steps should be taken in the next 30 years to make this possible?

Co-authors: Laura, Mhyma, Nicolas, Paula


Group ideas & notes (in bullets)

Our vision:

  • x Equal treatments for migrants/refugees - (no double-standards)
  • x Broaden the "social-contribution" vision/criteria
  • x Long-term integration

Measures taken:

  • x Standardised "permit-types" system around Europe (check single-permit directive)
  • x Matching skill-demand to skilled migrant workforce - distribution of professions among European countries (analyze possible clash with family ties)
  • x Privilege family background - keeping families together
  • x Possiblity to freely move withing the Schengen area after a certain amount of time

Vision no. 2:  Broaden the "social-contribution" vision/criteria

(1) As it stands in Switzerland, the admission of some migrants such as third-state nationals to the Swiss labour market is only granted if their employment is in the interests of Switzerland and the Swiss economy as a whole. This affects their permit application status directly and their ability for integration is also taken into account. Limiting an applicant's contribution to society in pure economic terms leave out the potential social and environmental contribution they could have. A personal friend from a third-state (Hong Kong) had to prove an annual income of over 85,000 CHF to fulfil a permit application category to successful gain employment in Zurich, otherwise would have been rejected. A way to enter information in application about social or political contribution and be measured in that regard should also be considered.

(1 - Source: https://www.sem.admin.ch/sem/en/home/themen/arbeit/nicht-eu_efta-angeho…)

Measure no. 2: Standardised "permit-types" system around Europe (check single-permit directive)

One solution the group thought about to solve the vision number 2, was to implement a standardised single permit system in the EU, to be updated and include social, political, environmental measures to the economic criteria an applicant has to fulfil upon submission. Weatherburn et. al (2022) highlight that using labour migration pathways as a means of addressing current labour market needs benefit both the migrant and the host country. Matching skills-demand to skilled candidate pool may ensure a more equal distribution of professions among European countries for migrants to fill. 

( Weatherburn 2022 - https://www.orbitvzw.be/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Working-Paper-Labour… )