Topic of the day

!!You are now living in 2040!! Write the story like if you were living in 2040!!

  • Explain briefly what’s the success story!


  • What’s the current context (in 2040), how does the world look like, what actors are involved?

I believed that the current world is moving towards sustainability and is digitalizing and automating most of the processes as robots will replace humans in most of the processes. I believed that the most valuable companies would be digital, renewable and tech firms

  • Explain briefly how Sustainable Fintech bridges have helped to scale the quest for sustainability in the real economy globally.  Tell the readers what has happened in the last 20 years to reach this point. You can use an incremental chronology of 5 years at a time starting in 2021.

In the future, businesses viability is no longer determined by just financial statements and profit margins but a combination of financial, environmental and social metrics. Due to climate change and numerous ecological disasters from Deepwater Horizon, Covid, Keystone, Chernobyl, societies are moving towards minimialism and other environmental policies to reduce their environmental footprints to save our civilization from environmental disasters

  • What recommendations would you like to give the Sustainable Fintech Community in 2021 to success?

    - Improving fintech and data infrastructures to improve ESG data quality and monetization